Manuka Honey & Beeswax

Manuka Honey & Beeswax

We use organic Manuka Honey and Beeswax, sourced from the beautiful, untouched landscapes of New Zealand for several CAROL PRIEST products. 

With the rise of the vegan trend in skincare, there have been increasing concerns about the use of honey and beeswax. Many people are questioning the ethical implications of these ingredients, particularly with regard to the welfare of bees and the environmental impact of conventional beekeeping practices.

To address these concerns, we source our Manuka Honey and Beeswax from Māori beekeepers who follow organic and sustainable practices. Their commitment to bee welfare is unwavering—they ensure bees follow their natural behaviours, which helps maintain thriving, healthy hives. Our bees forage freely in areas untouched by synthetic pesticides and chemicals, guaranteeing a clean, natural environment. Additionally, it allows us to support Indigenous communities and respect their traditional knowledge and sustainable practices passed down through generations.

While this comes with higher costs and challenges, we believe it is absolutely worth it. This is also what makes our Manuka Honey and Beeswax unique and special. Our vision is to continue supporting sustainable and organic beekeeping practices that protect bee welfare and promote biodiversity.

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